Signet in BTC (for PC)

In this article, we’ll guide you through setting up a Signet BTC wallet to use with TON Teleport BTC.

Signet is a Bitcoin test network similar to Testnet, but specifically designed for controlled testing, making it ideal for experimenting without risking real BTC.

This tutorial is for PC users. For iOS and Android users, follow the Mobile guide to get the address in BTC Signet.

📖 What you will learn

  • set up Electrum BTC wallet in Signet mode

  • get Signet BTC for testing transactions

  • use Signet BTC with your Testnet TON wallet to mint tgBTC

📚 Before we begin

Make sure you have:

🦄 Let's get started!

Before setting up Electrum, note that Signet mode is off by default. To use Signet instead of the default Mainnet, follow the steps below to enable it. Select your platform and complete the setup.

💻 Signet on Windows

Download the Electrum BTC wallet from the official website and install it.

Copy the Electrum shortcut from your Start Menu or installation location to the Desktop.

Right-click and select Copy, then right-click on the Desktop and select Paste. Rename the new shortcut to Electrum Signet.

Right-click the Electrum Signet shortcut, select Properties, and add --signet at the end of the Target field. Click OK to save changes.

Double-click the Electrum Signet shortcut to launch Electrum in Signet mode.

💻 Signet on Mac

Download the Electrum BTC wallet from the official website and install it.

Open the Terminal by pressing Command (⌘) + Space, typing Terminal, and hitting Enter. In the Terminal, type nano ~/Desktop/electrum to create a launch script.

Then, enter the following script:

open -n /Applications/ --args --signet

Next, save and make the script executable by pressing Control + X, then Y to confirm, and Enter.

After that, type chmod +x ~/Desktop/electrum in Terminal. This will create an executable file on your Desktop.

Finally, double-click the Electrum icon on your Desktop to start Electrum in Signet mode.

💻 Signet on Ubuntu

Download the Electrum BTC wallet from the official website and install it.

Click the Ubuntu icon in the top left, type Terminal, and select it. In the Terminal, type nano ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop to create a new file.

Then, add the following lines:

[Desktop Entry]  
Name=Electrum Signet  
Exec=electrum --signet  

Press Control + X, then Y to confirm, and Enter to save.

In Terminal, type chmod +x ~/Desktop/electrum.desktop to make the file executable. This will create an executable icon on your Desktop.

To launch Signet mode, double-click the Electrum Signet icon on your Desktop.

⚡️ Creating a new Signet BTC wallet

Once Signet mode is enabled, launch Electrum by double-clicking the icon to start the setup wizard.

Choose how to connect to a server; for beginners, it’s recommended to select Auto-connect then click Next.

Enter a name for your wallet file (the default is default_wallet) and click Next.

Select your wallet type (the default Standard Wallet is recommended) and click Next.

When prompted, choose to create a new seed and click Next. Write down the displayed seed phrase on paper (do not print it), as it’s crucial for wallet recovery.

Re-enter your seed phrase to confirm it, then click Next. Next, set a password and click Finish.

Electrum will then display the main interface, and your wallet will be ready for use.

⚙️ Setting Electrum to display balance in BTC

At the top of the Electrum window, click on View and select Coins to enable the Coins tab, which lets you see individual coins in your wallet.

Then, go to the Coins tab and click on the Settings icon at the bottom of the window to open the coin settings.

In the settings window, go to the Units tab, select Base unit and choose BTC from the dropdown menu. Finally, click Close to save your changes.

Your Electrum wallet will now display balances and transactions in BTC.

✅ Verify your Signet connection

To confirm you are in Signet, open the Receive tab in Electrum. If you are connected to Signet, the receiving address should start with tb1q which is the correct prefix for Signet addresses.

💸 How to get test BTC

Open Electrum, go to the Addresses tab, and choose a receiving address for Signet BTC. Right-click the address and select Copy.

Use the TON Teleport faucet to get test BTC. Follow the instructions from our Telegram bot:

The test BTC will be sent to your Electrum wallet, and the time it takes will depend on the current load on the BTC network.

To check if the BTC has arrived, open the History or Addresses tab in Electrum. You may experience a delay, so use a blockchain explorer to check the transaction status if needed.

💎 What's next?

Now that you've set up both your Testnet TON wallet and Signet BTC wallet, and received Test Toncoins and Signet BTC, you’re ready to mint your first tgBTC.

Follow the next guide to start the minting process.

Last updated